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스타크래프트 끝장전 김민철(Z)vs김지성(T) 스코어 (1)꽝이05-21 20:0034명0배
큐센 JPL JSAvs보신대 7세트 에이스결정전 승리팀 (1)umdumd05-19 21:2016명0배
큐센 JPL JSAvs보신대 혜로로(Z)vs다나짱(P) 승자 (1)umdumd05-19 19:1236명0배
큐센 JPL JSAvs보신대 안녕하세연두(P)vs구보라(P) 승자 (1)umdumd05-19 19:1236명0배
큐센 JPL JSAvs보신대 밍도릿(Z)vs유이(T) 승자 (1)umdumd05-19 19:1231명0배
큐센 JPL JSAvs보신대 햇살(T)vs뿌하(P) 승자 (1)umdumd05-19 19:1232명0배
큐센 JPL JSAvs보신대 링고(P)vs팥순(P) 승자 (1)umdumd05-19 19:1233명0배
큐센 JPL JSAvs보신대 승리팀 (1)umdumd05-19 19:1041명0배
큐센 JPL JSAvs보신대 스코어 (1)umdumd05-19 19:1042명0배
[큐센JPL] 할없녀 vs YB 7세트 에이스 결정전 (1)김찬미05-18 21:2518명0배
[큐센JPL] 할없녀(송병구/P) vs YB(이예훈/Z) (1)김찬미05-18 19:1235명0배
[큐센JPL] 할없녀(기나/P) vs YB(모꿀몬/T) (1)김찬미05-18 19:1238명0배
[큐센JPL] 할없녀(최도랑/P) vs YB(우리밍/T) (1)김찬미05-18 19:1234명0배
[큐센JPL] 할없녀(임밍지/P) vs YB(야린/Z) (1)김찬미05-18 19:1235명0배
[큐센JPL] 할없녀(김무아/P) vs YB(주하랑/P) (1)김찬미05-18 19:1235명0배
[큐센JPL] 할없녀 vs YB 승리팀 (1)김찬미05-18 19:1048명0배
[큐센JPL] 할없녀 vs YB 스코어 (1)김찬미05-18 19:1050명0배
2024 MSI 브래킷 스테이지 R3 패자조 T1vsG2Esports 5세트 (1)꽝이05-17 21:2218명0배
2024 MSI 브래킷 스테이지 R3 패자조 T1vsG2Esports 4세트 (1)꽝이05-17 20:2822명0배
2024 MSI 브래킷 스테이지 R3 패자조 T1vsG2Esports 3세트 (1)꽝이05-17 19:3932명0배